Carpenter Ant Treatment-Your Exterminator Professionals

Carpenter Ant Treatment-Your Exterminator Professionals

Make a call to an Expert Today!

Although these insects may seem harmless, the reality may differ significantly with a closer look. Trying to eliminate an infestation on ones own has many risks. You may be able to kill carpenter ants, does not mean you will be successful at removing an infestation completely. Ant interventions should always begin with an inspection by a professional. At IntegralXT, we offer a free consultation / inspection.

With our free inspection service, we can:

  • Identify the ant species
  • Determine the location of the nest
  • Propose solutions to your specific problem.

If you have an ant infestation in Montreal or the surrounding areas, it’s important and recommended to contact a professional exterminator.

Choose an experienced company like Integral XT with our 100% satisfaction guarantee. Our expertly trained technicians will guide you from beginning to end!

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